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All About

The L.I.L.O.S Project

The L.I.L.O.S Project is an ongoing vision to help spread awareness about service animals and their handlers. The L.I.L.O.S acronym stands for Learning Important Laws Outlining Service Animals, meaning we are all about sharing correct, legal information and providing reliable resources to the general public and establishments surrounding the reputation of service animals. We can spark interest and make a difference in handlers' lives and service animals by starting a conversation. All around the United States, teams do their part to share as much information as possible, advocating for their service animal and hoping for their voices to be heard. The L.I.L.O.S Project is a platform and resource for service animal handlers to refer to and share when upholding their rights and educating others. It is also a place that is open and accessible to everyone who wants to learn about service animals and share the laws that protect teams all around the country. The L.I.L.O.S Project is there to communicate, advocate, inform, and educate everyone; we are here to make service animal knowledge and law easy to understand, one tiny paw print at a time!



Our mission is to enlighten the general public, businesses, restaurants, theme parks, and any establishment that is accessible to the general public about what service animals do and give a clear perspective as to why they are so important. We want to communicate how different scenarios may play out in the presence of a handler accompanied by their service animal. To share general and legal information covering service animals, the process and lifestyle changes that occur when acquiring a service animal, and how to identify the critical differences between various dogs with diverse purposes—expressing the importance of advocacy for service animals and highlighting common trends that successfully support the service animal community. And when we provide the appropriate resources, education for all will be accessible. This way, people can read and learn about service animals, knowing they now have the knowledge and the power to spread their wisdom to others. This project is an ongoing vision, and our end goal will never be met as we continue to grow and share our love and awareness regarding the incredible work of a service animal.

How You Can Help Spread The Word

Some of the bests ways you can help share our story is by following us on our social medias. Also by simply reading our website and educating yourselves. When gaining knowledge about this ongoing topic, we are able to create a conversation. If this subject grows, then more people will begin to understand the correct information surrounding service animals. By sharing the L.I.L.O.S Project with anyone you know, you are making a difference in the lives of service animal teams all around the country!

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